Dear Knee Pain Sufferer:

Are you one of the frustrated patients all over Northern Colorado who continue to suffer with chronic knee pain in spite of the endless doses of over-the-counter pain meds and the series of injections? Are you taking pain pills just to get through your day? Maybe you’ve even been to a doctor who’s already recommended surgery or told you that you’re “bone on bone.”

I want to help put you at ease; it’s not too late for you.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Knee pain during or after activities which used to be simple
  • Knee pain that seems to bother you more at night, interfering with sleep
  • Problems going up or down stairs
  • Stiffness, with knees that just don't bend normally anymore.
    • Inability to perform regular tasks requiring leg strength that used to be easy
    • Inability to walk long distances without aching pain
    • Problems getting on the ground and fear of getting up

    Are you tired of constantly having to worry about your knees? Are you tired of hearing that your only options are surgery or even more injections that don’t last?

    In this report, we are going to share some things with you that you have likely never heard about. You may even be a little angry and frustrated because you will soon realize that if you had this knowledge a month ago, a year ago, or even many years ago, you wouldn’t be suffering with knee pain right now.

    We share in your frustration. We see and consult with patients everyday who have been through exactly what you have been through. After reading this entire report you will be armed with information and knowledge that will help you make good choices about effectively treating your knee pain and assure you don’t get bounced around the “system” with no answers.

      Your Knee Pain Doesn’t Have To Be A Life Sentence!

      By reading this in its entirety, you are going to learn:

      • Th eye-opening statistics for those that have knee replacement surgery
      • What the leading diagnosed cause of knee pain is and how a new scientific approach is providing hope for real and lasting relief
      • The 4 keys to properly promote healing and restoration of the knee joint (nearly every knee treatment approach BEFORE NOW included only one or two of these critical elements which led to ultimate failure)
      • The secret truth about the all-too-common “bone on bone” diagnosis

      What’s Wrong With The System? Why Does It Seem That Your Only Options Are More Injections, Pain Pills, or Surgery?

      Today in standard allopathic and general practice offices, patients are given expensive testing but despite the fact that they may determine that your knee is not functioning right the only solutions are to do another injection or send you in for surgery.

      The fancy tests are able to better describe WHAT is happening but they don’t lead to HOW to fix what actually CAUSED the pain in the first place. Do you really care if you have “osteoarthritis” or “bone on bone” if it doesn’t lead to you getting better treatment or actually fixing the problem without the most invasive procedure possible?

      Many patients are simply given injection after injection that may last for a brief time, but that doesn’t keep the pain away. Our patients have told us that the injections in some cases even make them feel worse.

      The Eye-opening StatisticS About Knee Replacement Surgeries

      Most people come to us after having multiple series of injections or, in many cases, a knee replacement surgery on one knee that didn’t turn out as planned and they desperately want to avoid it on the other knee. That’s it. Those are your typical options. Injections and surgery. But before you make that leap, it’s best to know the facts.

      Up to a third of knee replacement patients still report chronic pain:

      The 90-day mortality rate for a total knee replacement (TKR) is about 1 in 200. Give that some real thought… 1 in 200 people will die within 90 days due to a complication from their TKR.

      We strongly encourage you to read these stories. Review the research articles. Don’t just blindly be led into the most invasive form of treatment there is without knowing full well what you may be facing after the fact. There’s a time and a place for surgery, no doubt. But it should always be the last resort.

      So What Causes Knee Pain?

      There are a number of causes for each individual's knee pain: structural disorders; trauma; soft tissue cysts; age-appropriate degeneration; early-onset degeneration; adjacent muscle tendonitis; patella tracking disorders; bursitis; ligament damage and strains; and the list goes on.

      No matter what the mechanism, you know your knee is not right and you’re not satisfied with the suggested solutions.

      All of these conditions can damage the joint, leading to pain, aching, stiffness, and overall discomfort that you experience on a daily basis.

      More Importantly Do You Know What The #1 Diagnosed Cause Of Knee Pain Is?


      This means that the cause of the knee pain is bone (“osteo”) joint (“arth”) inflammation (“itis”).

        What Does That Mean For You?

        It means that the doctors are observing the symptoms … pain, aching, stiffness etc. but their best answer for your knee pain is because "you're just getting older."

        Ask yourself this though, it’s “just old age”, does your other knee hurt as bad (or at all) as the problem child knee? Is it not the same age? How come your friends or family of a similar age don’t also have the same pain?

        The answer is because age is generally just one, relatively insignificant, factor to your knee pain and until the other factors are addressed, you’re simply chasing your proverbial tail. So the only thing they can do is throw a series of injections at you and hope something provides symptomatic relief.

        Is There Still Hope For Me?

        The good news is that no matter what the cause, if you have joint damage in the knee, new technological advances in the area of cartilage restoration and functional assessment are allowing thousands of knee pain patients to finally get relief … even if the doctor has told you you’re “bone on bone”.

        The Dreaded (Not So True) "Bone-On-Bone" Diagnosis

        Let me guess what you’ve probably been told. You've seen a doctor who said you were “bone on bone”, right?

        Those three words are single-handily responsible for more unnecessary knee replacements than you would even believe. What if I told you that the majority, not all, but the majority of the patients we see who’ve been told that they are bone-on-bone actually are not.

        That’s right. They do have cartilage remaining in their knee, and in many cases, a fair amount of it!

        Well, why would the doctor tell you that if it wasn’t true? Honestly? Because surgeons do surgery. That's how they earn a living. Because most people will never question it. Because they don’t actually show you the x-rays (they didn't, did they?) and if they gave them to you, most people wouldn’t know what they were looking at anyway.

        Whatever the reason is, that sad fact is a reality and it's why you should never assume that your “bone-on-bone” diagnosis is completely accurate and that surgery is the only way. Always get another opinion!

        If we indeed find out that is the case; that the bones of the knee joint have no cartilage left to work with; that they are degenerating and fusing together (this is what happens in true bone on bone cases), then we will be the first to quickly refer you back to the Orthopedic surgeon for a knee replacement. It happens. And if that’s the case – the TRUE case, then that is what’s best for you. But please don’t assume you were told the truth.

        After determining the extent and exact location of your knee damage, treatment to heal a damaged knee is going to require 4 more key elements that make up the 4 keys to defeating knee pain.

        tOO mANY Knee Pain Treatments Fail Because:

        1. There is no true understanding of the nature and cause of the knee problem;
        2. The treatments are not designed to heal the knee … they only attempt to minimize the symptoms while bringing side-effects with them.

        At our knee pain treatment center in Fort Collins, we have combined these four key elements required to provide true and lasting relief. It doesn't just work sometimes either.

        Most knee pain treatment approaches include one or maybe two of these key elements in healing while completely ignoring the others.

        • Before any of that, however, it's critical that you receive a proper evaluation. We must first determine the extent of damage to the knee itself.

        That's why the first step is a detailed, functional orthopedic and neurological examination to determine the extent of range of motion loss, sensory loss, vibration sensation, and reflex coordination.

        There are Four Key Elements to properly heal painful knees and create real and lasting relief. Just like a recipe; if you leave out an ingredient (element) or don’t put the right amount of the ingredients, you don’t get the result you are looking for. Here they are...

        Element #1: Reduction Of Inflammation

        Painful, aching knees are ultimately inflamed. When a knee is inflamed it becomes swollen … leading to decreased function. When this happens you feel pain, aching, stiffness, and crepitus depending on the extent of the inflammation.

        An extreme example of an inflamed joint is Gout. This is when a joint has a form of arthritis and may experience swelling, pain, and redness.

        Proper treatment for knee pain must have the ability to reduce inflammation both locally and systemically, meaning it needs to reduce the inflammation around the knee while at the same time reducing inflammation throughout the body.

        Some treatments reduce inflammation either systemically OR locally but almost never are they able to reduce inflammation from both perspectives simultaneously.

        Element #2: Optimize Metabolic Nutrition

        Your cells produce energy in a little power house called the mitochondria. It produces molecules called ATP which your cells then burn to produce energy. If you are not producing enough ATP, your cells become tired and worn out … to the point that they can no longer perform their normal function.

        True healing of chronically painful knee requires an increase in these life-giving energy building blocks. There is no medication available today that increases cellular energy. Any medicinal approach is ultimately going to fail if it lacks this key ingredient in defeating knee pain. If you can stimulate the internal production of energy, you accelerate the healing process and provide rapid relief of your knee pain symptoms that are long lasting.

          Element #3: Correcting Structural Imbalance

          Do you remember the old song; “the hip bone’s connected to the…knee bone…” and so on? That couldn’t be more true and it is such an overlooked component of most knee pain treatments. Not in our office.

          The same bone that makes up the top part of your knee is literally the same bone as your hip. The same bone that is the bottom part of your knee is the same bone that is the upper portion of your ankle. When you understand how crucial the joints above and below the knees are to the knee joint itself, then it doesn’t take a medical degree to understand the importance of making sure those joints are not contributing factors.

          This key to successfully defeating knee pain is missing in 99.9% of all knee pain treatment programs available today … either because they are completely unaware of the importance or they have not put the pieces together to give this element the attention that it warrants.

          Element #4: Neuromuscular Re-Education

          The last key element in successfully treating and beating knee pain is resyncing the knee joint, biomechanically, and the brain.

          The reason that those with knee pain are at such high risk for falls and hip fractures is that the damaged peripheral nerves running through the knee joint are not communicating properly with the brain.

          After restoring your lost knee function you must re-coordinate the feedback between the brain and the knee itself.

          If the newly healed knee and brain are not on the same wavelength, you will continue to be at a high risk for re-occurence of pain. Although it is the pain, aching, and stiffness that are the thing most knee pain patients want relief from … the real danger lies in the increased risk of falls and fractures.

          It Takes A Whole-Person, Functional Approach

          After reading this far, it should be obvious that we don’t take the standard approach to treating knee pain. We don’t give injections that come with risks and side-effects or prescribe cookie-cutter treatments that do little to improve the pain, aching, and stiffness you experience on a daily basis.

          Knee pain is a complex condition, with a lot of moving parts – both literally and figuratively – and it takes a Big-Picture approach that utilizes the best science and technology have to offer to manage it effectively and create the relief we are sure you desire.

          We treat knee pain from every angle, including every critical element necessary to promote healing of the joint itself and provide maximum symptom relief.

          The success of our knee pain treatment program is attributed to our unwillingness to cut corners, leveraging the latest technological advances, and developing proprietary scientific protocols that provide a predictable result.

          It's not going to just happen by accident. The injections you have been getting and the pills you've been taking for months or years are not all of a sudden going to start working better. You need to ensure that the treatment path you take includes all elements of successfully defeating knee pain.

          Since you have invested your time in reading this special report and educated yourself on your condition – you're already giant step ahead of the game. Your next step?

          A Complete Knee Pain Evaluation for only $99. It includes your consultation with the doctor, your complete exam, and any x-rays you may need.

          Find out if you're a good candidate for care. Get that second opinion on the bone-on-bone diagnosis. Put surgery off as long as you possibly can. You owe it to yourself.

          Pick up the phone and call us now at (970) 682-2667 to schedule your evaluation, or simply fill out the short form and we'll call you.

          We look forward to the opportunity to help.

          To Your Knees and To Your Health,

          • Dr. John A Smith, DC, BCN, CME
          • Dr. Carla Irven (Smith), DC, BCN, CME, CAC